Houston Beekeepers Association is hosting a member happy hour at AIA Houston where Architect and Beekeeper Wendy Heger will discuss her exhibit “The Architecture of Bees”. This will replace our regular monthly meeting and will not be available on Zoom.
Exhibition highlights include:
• A human-scale demonstration of “bee space,” enabling visitors to walk into and experience the spatial dimensions of a beehive.
• A celebration of the hexagon – the fundamental shape which makes up honeycomb – the ideal shape for economizing labor and resources while maximizing storage volume and strength. The exhibition highlights examples of contemporary architecture employing the hexagon as a key construction and design component.
• A commissioned illustration of honeybees over Downtown Houston by architects and designers Amna Ansari, AIA and Marcus Martinez, AIA with Associates UltraBarrio.
• Methods of cooling and heating human homes and office buildings that find similarities within bee colonies. Bees have an amazing ability to regulate the temperature of their hives using their bodies.
• An explanation of the sophisticated and complex mass communication of bees, key to the success and survival of the hive. Worker bees use the “waggle dance” to communicate distance, direction, and quality of nearby nectar, directing workers to resources. A waggle dance pattern will wind its way through the gallery.
• A living beehive contained in a case.
Additional information about the exhibit can be found at: https://aiahouston.org/v/event-detail/The-Architecture-of-Bees/20q/
If you would like to join Houston Beekeepers Association: https://houstonbeekeepers.org/how-to-join/
Joining in person?
Please register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/380085765757