As a benefit of belonging to the HBA, members are eligible to check out various beekeeping equipment in our inventory. You will need more than just the extractor to extract your honey, but using the club’s extractor avoids a major expense. You will also need TO SUPPLY YOUR OWN food grade pails to hold the honey (we recommend you purchase pails with a honey gate for easier bottling).
Equipment loans are at a first come/first serve basis. Please fill out the Equipment Rental Form below to arrange equipment check-out.
Harvesting/Extracting Equipment for Loan

6 Frame Radial Extractor & Stand – Fits Medium Frames

6 Frame Radial Extractor & Stand – Fits Medium Frames

4 Frame Extractor (stand attached) – Fits Deep Frames

Uncapping Tanks with Strainer

Hot Knife

Fume Board

Uncapping Scratcher

Frame Grip
Harvesting/Extracting Equipment for Loan

Observation Hive

Education Hive

Beekeeping Educational Posters
Harvesting/Extracting Equipment for Loan

Beekeeping Suit & Gloves

Oxalic Acid Wand
Equipment Rental Form
If you are a current member of the Houston Beekeepers Association and would like to rent equipment, please fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch.